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Discover the Possibilities

We are passionate about helping churches discover the potential for their financial future. The 403(b)(9) church plan is a defined contribution plan specifically designed for church organizations. You may have heard of the 403(b) plan, but this sub-section 403(b)(9) plan has a distinct benefit specifically for ministers. Similar to the ministers housing allowance while working, a minister can make withdrawals from their 403(b)(9) as a housing allowance at retirement. Participants can choose for the money to grow in a pre-tax investment using the traditional side of the plan, or a post-tax investment using the Roth side of the plan. Holding Christian values ourselves, we have a special place in our hearts for helping churches with their financial management. We want to help the church and it’s employees with their financial future.

You can expect us to see the participants in your 403(b)(9) plan every 6 months. During these visits, we want to connect with you, as well as provide relevant, educational financial planning topics, including market updates, use of the 403(b)(9) website, and even financial wellness for your team. We are more than happy to go over any questions or concerns from the participants and plan administrations.

We want to help your church employees reach their potential.

Our two passions for educating our clients and having purposeful relationships make a great pair. Let us help you grow.