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A Combination of Experience and Intentionality

We’ll Help Guide You Through the Fourth Quarter and Beyond

By utilizing a consistent process, we’ve found that developing a long-lasting relationship with our clients allows us to address their lifestyle goals and motivation behind their wealth. Our discussion of finances depends entirely on you and the concerns you would like to address, as well as the path you see for yourself moving forward.

Our Consistent and Straightforward Process:

Step One

To start, we’ll ask that you fill out a digital questionnaire that helps us gain an initial understanding of who you are and what your most pressing concerns consist of. This is a crucial step to our process. In addition to gaining an understanding of your thoughts and needs, this questionnaire also functions as in-house documentation as well as making you aware of our disclosures. After you fill out and submit the form, we’ll then schedule a time for us to connect and learn more about your particular needs.

Step Two

During our discovery meeting, we’ll develop a better knowledge of what your lifestyle looks like, including where you come from, your family’s financial connections and how we might be able to help you as we move forward. We’ll let you discuss your needs and concerns, in whatever way you are comfortable with, to allow us to understand what you’re looking for in a financial partner. We will be in your corner for every step of the way.

Step Three

Once we’ve discussed your goals, we’ll begin developing a plan that addresses your particular needs. We’ll ask that you gather and submit any necessary documents electronically, as we find that it keeps everything efficient and accessible for you down the line.

Step Four

Our team will follow up with you, if necessary, but regardless of your needs we’ll ensure that the details of your plan are communicated clearly. We encourage you to questions and for you to reach out to us as needed.

Depending on performance, market changes and life events, adjustments may need to be made along the way. Like clockwork, a 6-month check-in appointment will be made for you, so you can rest assured that we will see you again in no time.

Increasing Your Confidence One Step at a Time

As we work together, our goal is to help increase your confidence as you make impactful decisions and work towards financial freedom. By learning about who you are and not necessarily focusing on your assets, we’ll act as your guide, friend and professional partner today, tomorrow and for years to come.

Give Us a Call to Get Started Today